Thursday, August 10, 2006

Chamber PAC Endorsed Candidates Prevail in their Primaries

The Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce Political Action Committee (PAC), the Friends of West Michigan Business, celebrated the victories of all its endorsed candidates in contested primary elections.

“This was another tremendously successful election for our Chamber PAC’s endorsed candidates. It is clear that voters have responded to the messages of our pro-business candidates,” commented Jeanne Englehart, President of the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce. “West Michigan will be well served by leaders like Mark Jansen, Tim Doyle, Dave Agema, Brian Calley and Arlan Meekhof. We are certainly on our way to insuring the voice of West Michigan business is heard in Lansing.”

95% of Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce PAC’s endorsed candidates won Tuesday night. Here are our endorsed primary candidates:

U.S. Senate:
Mike Bouchard

State Senate:
17th District: Randy Richardville
28th District: Mark Jansen

Kent County Commission:
2nd District: Fritz Wahlfield
10th District: Dave Morren
14th District: Eric Schmidt

State House:
20th District: Mark Abbo
33rd District: Kim Meltzer
41st District: Marty Knollenberg
56th District: John Manor
61st District: Rep. Jack Hoogendyk
74th District: Dave Agema
75th District: Tim Doyle
78th District: Rep. Neal Nitz
87th District: Brian Calley
89th District: Arlan Meekhof
94th District: Ken Horn

“These are important victories for the West Michigan business community. The leaders that have been elected will be sure to keep the issues important to our members in mind when key policy issues are being debated in Lansing,” commented Jared Rodriguez, Vice President of Public Policy & Government Affairs for the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Exercise Your Clout!

Dear Taxpayer,

Fewer than 1 in 5 of your of friends statewide will vote today. Therefore your vote today has the power of 5! Make your forefathers proud and exercise your right to vote!!

In many cases today's winners will succeed easily in November. Make sure you weigh in!

Please support these friends of the Friends of West Michigan Business, the Chamber's Political Action Committee:

28th District State Senate - Mark Jansen
74th District State House - Dave Agema
75th District State House - Tim Doyle

2nd District Kent County Commission - Fritz Wahlfield
10th District Kent County Commission - David Morren
14th District Kent County Commission - Eric Schmidt
Kent County Drain Commissioner - Barry Bittrick

For those in Holland:
89th District State House- Arlan Meekhof

Polls close at 8pm! It is going to be a beautiful day... what's your excuse??

Warmest regards,

The West Michigan Business Advocate

Friday, July 28, 2006

What You're Paying for at the Pump

As summer steams on and gas prices continue to pinch us at the pump, the West Business Advocate wanted to let you know where the gas tax your paying goes. First though, it is important to understand that the gasoline tax is not like a sales tax, it is charged at a flat rate. So no matter what a gallon of gas costs, whether it $2.35 (wouldn't that be nice?) or $3.35, you pay 19 cents per gallon. In 2004-2005, the gas tax reaped approximately $927 million, making each penny of the 19 worth about $48.8 million.

Here is how the 19 cents you pay per gallon is broken down:

6 cents: $300 million goes to MDOT to build and maintain interstates, all US- and M-numbered highways.

6 cents: $300 million is spread among all 83 county road commissions.

3.5 cents: About $170 million is split by 533 cities and villages for local road projects.

2 cents: $100 million is earmarked for public transit.

Less than 1 cent: Nearly $37 million finances road projects critical to economic development and compensates other state agencies which provide support for the transportation system.

1/2 of a cent: Roughly $24 million supports local bridges, railroad crossings and recreational areas.

If you were wondering, our 19 cent gas tax ranks Michigan in the middle of the pack compared to other states, tied with 2 other states at 27th. The average driver in Michigan is paying less than $30 a month to maintain roads, that's a lot less than the cost of cable for your home.

Our interstate highway system recently celebrated a milestone birthday, 50 years of delivering folks to their destinations. Unfortunately, after 50 years Michigan roads are crumbling. According to a 2006 report on Michigan by TRIP a national research group (, Michigan's transportation system received a failing grade. 38 percent of Michigan roads rated as mediocre or poor condition adn 28% or the state's bridges are either structurally deficient or obsolete, all while the average one-way commute time has increased by 14 percent.

A good infrastructure and a strong investment in our roads is important to our economic competiveness and communities. We all struggle with the increasing costs of fuel and the effect it has on our businesses and budgets. Just know that skyrocketing gas prices don't provide a windfall to the state for road funding (it actually forces drivers to consume less and therefore generate less fuel taxes). Instead it is a flat rate that goes to support, build and maintain the roads we use everyday for business, errands, vacations...etc. And given the current condition of our roads, they need all they help they can get.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Chamber Involved in County Races

The Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce Political Action Committee (PAC), the Friends of West Michigan Business, announced its third round of endorsements in the primary election scheduled for Tuesday, August 8. The endorsements include races for Kent County Commission and Drain Commissioner. The PAC, made up of various business and community leaders, took action to support pro-business candidates for position in county government.

“We believe that it is important to go through the endorsement process before the primary to select the most qualified candidates to serve the needs of the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce’s more than 3,000 members,” said Chamber President Jeanne Englehart. “In many cases, the primary election is the most meaningful election in a particular seat.

“Our PAC is committed to supporting the best possible candidates that will represent business, workers, and the economic well-being of Kent County when elected to office,” commented Jared Rodriguez, Vice President of Public Policy and Government Affairs. The Friends of West Michigan Business have decided to endorse a number of incumbents for the County Commission, those who have showed knowledge of Chamber positions and a willingness to work together on issues critical to employers.

Endorsements were based on candidate questionnaires, interviews and legislative track records for incumbents.

The following endorsements have been made for the 2006 election cycle:

Kent County Commission:
1st District: Ted Vonk
2nd District: Fritz Wahfield
3rd District: Roger Morgan
4th District: Gary Rolls
5th District: Sandi Frost-Parrish
6th District: Art Tanis
7th District: Marv Hiddema
8th District: Jack Boelema
10th District: Dave Morren
11th District: Dean Agee
14th District: Eric Schmidt
15th District: Dick Bulkowski
17th District: James Vaughn
18th District: Dan Koorndyk
19th District: Nadine Renee Klein

Drain Commissioner: Barry Bittrick

(Italics Denotes Incumbent.)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Chamber PAC Announces State Senate & House Endorsements

Friends of West Michigan Business support pro-business candidates in their election bids.

The Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce Political Action Committee (PAC), the Friends of West Michigan Business, announced its candidate endorsements for State Senate and State House. Endorsements were based on candidate questionnaires, interviews and legislative track records for incumbents.

“The Chamber PAC endorses candidates who have a solid pro-business stance for state legislative office to build on past legislative successes we have had in Lansing,” said Chamber President Jeanne Englehart. “With five open seats in West Michigan, it is important that the business community hear from us on who will be the best pro-business representative in Lansing and a leader for the West Michigan area,” continued Englehart.

“With Michigan lagging behind 48 other states, it is important that we elect experienced, knowledgeable representatives to help turn Michigan around,” said Jared Rodriguez, Vice President of Public Policy & Government Affairs for the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce. “A pro-business majority is essential for West Michigan to remain competitive and receive our fair share of state funding.”

The following endorsements have been made for the 2006 election cycle:

Open Seat Endorsements:

28th District State Senate:
Mark Jansen – Mark is in a tough primary race with two other former state representatives. Leaving the State Senate after a long and distinguished history is Senate Majority Leader Ken Sikkema. The Chamber PAC felt Mark was best positioned to succeed Senator Sikkema in the 28th District. Mark has a history of working with community leaders to ensure West Michigan gets its fair share and he will do the same going to Lansing as a State Senator.

74th District State House:
Dave Agema – Dave is running to succeed Representative Bill Van Regenmorter who announced his intentions not to seek re-election. As a Representative, Dave Agema will oppose any new taxes, reduce government spending and work to reduce the amount of regulations coming out of Lansing. He has the drive to be successful this August primary election and will be elected to the House of Representatives in the fall.

75th District State House:
Tim Doyle – Tim has laid the foundation necessary to run a successful State Representative race for term limited Representative Jerry Kooiman and he will be an excellent addition to the West Michigan delegation in Lansing. Tim will hit the ground running when he gets to Lansing and will be a Representative that listens and works hard for his constituents. The Chamber PAC anticipates Tim rising to the top of his class and serving in a leadership role in Lansing.

87th District State House:
Brian Calley – Brian clearly rose to the top of the field in this race to replace term limited Representative Gary Newell. Brian has the knowledge of the legislative process and is on the side of Michigan’s job providers. He has the right approach to being an effective legislator in Lansing.

89th District State House:
Arlan Meekhof – Arlan was the most pro-business candidate in the race to succeed outgoing State Representative Barb Vander Veen. The Chamber PAC was particularly impressed with Arlan’s work ethic and the amount of time and energy he has put into this race. He will work to reduce the tax burden in Michigan and help drive down health care costs.

Incumbent Endorsements:

State Senate:
24th District: Patricia Birkholz
29th District: Bill Hardiman
30th District: Wayne Kuipers
34th District: Gerald Van Woerkom

State House:
61st District: Jack Hoogendyk
72nd District: Glenn Steil, Jr.
73rd District: Tom Pearce
76th District: Michael Sak
77th District: Kevin Green
86th District: Dave Hildenbrand
88th District: Fulton Sheen
90th District: Bill Huizenga
91st District: David Farhat

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Grand Rapids Chamber PAC Endorses DeVos for Governor

Friends of West Michigan Business Cite Record of Accomplishments as a Job Provider and Success as a Business and Community Leader as Reasons for Backing

Today, the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce Political Action Committee (PAC), the Friends of West Michigan Business, endorsed Dick DeVos for Governor of Michigan.

“Michigan is at the bottom of all states nationwide when it comes to economic growth and job creation. We are the only state in the country that has lost jobs over the past four years; it is time for bold, business-minded leadership, it is time for Dick DeVos,” said Jeanne Englehart, President of the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce. “We have seen first hand in West Michigan what Dick has done as a job creator and collaborative community leader. It is time the rest of Michigan learns about, and benefits from his incredible vision for our great state.”

“Michigan needs a leader in the Governor’s office and Dick is that person,” said Jared Rodriguez, Vice President of Public Policy & Government Affairs for the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce. “Dick has been a leader not only in the business community, but throughout West Michigan; he offers the kind of leadership and vision we need throughout our state.”

“Without question, Dick DeVos is the most qualified business candidate in the race for Governor,” said Bob Roth, member of the PAC. “Dick understands the needs of job providers and the incredible contribution they make to our state’s success. Michigan needs the kind of leadership that comes from his experience leading a business through a major transition to compete in today’s tough global marketplace.”

Dick DeVos was pleased at the announcement and expressed the importance of receiving the Chamber PAC’s endorsement. “I'm honored to have the endorsement of the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce PAC,” said Dick DeVos, candidate for Governor. “Members of the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce and I have been through a lot together. From casting a vision to revitalize our city, and then watching that come into reality, we know from first-hand experience that working together around a common purpose can accomplish great things.”

"I will continue to work with organizations and individuals alike to do what we can to turn Michigan's economy around and bring jobs back to our state. That must be our priority - to put Michigan residents back to work. I'm the leader capable of getting it done," said DeVos.

The Chamber will encourage all of its 3,000 member business and their employees to vote for Dick DeVos for the office of Michigan Governor.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Your Chamber and the SBT

Dear Member,

We would like to take this opportunity to update you on your Chamber Advocacy Division’s position on a key policy discussion in Michigan, the elimination of the Single Business Tax (SBT). Your Chamber has long been a supporter of eliminating the SBT and we were one of the first business organizations to voice its opposition to the ‘new tax’ upon its inception in 1975.

Just last week a legislative initiative campaign to repeal the SBT turned in 372,604 signatures to successfully put repeal language before Michigan legislators who have indicated they will pass it within the required 40-day period. Your chamber has supported their efforts throughout the process and we encourage you to write or call your legislator and urge them to pass this repeal.

Your Chamber’s Advocacy Division has also been charged by our Board of Directors to develop ideas on an alternative SBT revenue source(s), using our Chamber’s principles for sound business tax policy as a platform, for both state and local levels of government. Our tax policy committee’s efforts are focused on developing an alternative business tax plan that will result in a net decrease in the overall business tax burden in Michigan. Our committee is reviewing several potential alternatives to the SBT with the intention of keeping local units of government whole, implementing a low tax rate for all business sectors, and setting in place economic development incentives through grants from the state of Michigan.

Our tax policy committee has taken the following “Guiding Principles” into consideration while developing a comprehensive position. A GRACC position business tax reform will include:

1. Broad tax base
2. Low rate
3. Simple to administer
4. Include the elimination of the Personal Property Tax (PPT)
5. Honor existing credits/incentives for business investment and economic development

As our board and the committee move forward with alternatives we will continue to keep you informed. We will have a Chamber position paper on this for you in the coming weeks.

We appreciate your attention to this brief update. We welcome your input and are thrilled with the number of Chamber members who have worked together on this important issue. If you would like to share your thoughts on this issue or get involved in our Tax & Regulatory Affairs Committee, please contact either of us at (616) 771-0300.


Jeanne A. Englehart
Jared Rodriguez
Vice President, Public Policy & Government Affairs